As M.G.T., we stay informed of ways to improve our skills and knowledge. We do not allow anyone excel us in performing our duties. Over the years, I have heard several Ministers instruct the Believers to "Stay off the internet". This has always been a silly idea to me. Yes, when you are online you must practice common sense and good judgment, maintaining an appropriate level of anonymity and privacy. However, the world wide web can be an invaluable tool, giving you unlimited access to free information that otherwise may be hard to discover.
There is no limit to the amount of sites offering help for homemakers nowadays. This is especially true since the devil seems to be experiencing a "Homemaking Renaissance". All of the sudden, a race of women who wouldn't even nurse their own babies a few years ago, has begun homeschooling, cooking, and taking care of their homes as a hobby. Many of them blog, and there is much useful information being disbursed. Of course there are plenty of black bloggers and YouTubers as well, which is even better. Several websites can be of use when you encounter difficulties or dilemmas in the kitchen. Here are a few good ones:
- Information about the expiration times of various foods that may be passed the "sell by" date.
- Information about the nutritional value and health benefits of various foods.
- Information about food, food ingredients, allergens, recalls, etc.
- Guide to using herbs in various foods
- Information about seafood
- Gives info on genetically modified foods, policies, etc.
- Conversion charts for various foods.
- Gives ideas for delicious recipes and exposes its readers to various blogs and websites.
Feel free to utilize these sites as needed, and if you have any favorite sites, feel free to leave them in the comments section. As M.G.T. we should help each other reach our full potential. There must be no weak links within the sisterhood. We should excel as a whole.
As-salaam alaikum!
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