Friday, November 15, 2013


Hygiene is extremely important to Original cultures around the world. Unfortunately, being separated from our culture for 500 years has made us forget a lot of knowledge that our sisters in the East take for granted. It's amazing to think that in a society with access to hundreds of brands of soaps, cleansers, and disinfectants, that we are still unhygienic due to our lack of knowledge.

Often, these simple habits of good hygiene make perfect sense when explained to us; we just never take the time to really examine our routines. Many of us were taught by mothers who didn't know, or who failed to teach us for one reason or another. We did the best we could with what we knew. However, today is the dawn of a new day. The M.G.T. are meant to excel all other nations. To do that, we must get our hygiene in order at once.

One mistake many people make due to ignorance or laziness is to wash dish linen with other laundry in one big load. We don't remember that we have worn our garments out in public, sat on various surfaces, and collected a wide variety of disgusting germs. Bath towels and cloths contain germs from every part of our body. We then launder these items with our dish linen and invite many of those germs onto the towels we use to cleanse the plates that we nourish our families with. Yum!

That is made even more disgusting if you take into consideration that many people foolishly place their panties in the laundry as well. This creates a lack of modesty as well as a lack of hygiene. Your panties are a personal thing and should not be displayed at places such as laundromats. Even if you tend to your laundry at home, your husband should never see your panties if they are unclean. Your husband should only see the things about you that are fresh and pleasing. Panties should be hand-washed every day. You should do this privately in a sink, or as you take a shower with water and a bar of gentle, fragrance/color free soap. Again, when tossed in a hamper all those germs which gather in your private areas are invited right onto your plates, bowls, and cups. If you machine wash your husband's intimate apparel, wash it in a separate load.

Speaking of germs lurking in the genital area, many people are not aware of how to properly use the restroom. Toilet paper is not sufficient. In fact, it should only be kept for guests to use. After using the restroom, you should wash yourself with soap and water, or at minimum, a wet wipe. Dry paper is not enough to clean off urine or feces. Consider this, if you stepped in dog feces barefoot, would you reach for a paper towel, or would you run to a sink or tub to wash with soap and water? Your feces aren't different. A woman's genital area is prone to be dark and moist, a perfect breeding ground for bacteria. Your anus is full of germs which, if wiped, are now in the genital region in that perfect breeding environment. If you tend to get a lot of infections, try cleansing yourself thoroughly after using the restroom. Anything less is uncivilized.

Back to the topic of panties. You should not hold on to panties for years and years. As I've mentioned several times, they are a breeding ground for bacteria and you will never wash them well enough to get rid of them all. Over time they will accumulate, possibly causing infections. Examine your panties every 6 months and get rid of any old or damaged pairs. You should not keep them longer than 9-12 months at the most, and that's only if you have enough to wear each pair infrequently. Any stained or discolored panties should be discarded immediately. Remember, your husband should not ever see you looking or wearing something unclean - especially if the uncleanliness is related to your sacred private parts. It's undignified.

Toothbrushes should not be kept in the bathroom. They should be kept in your bedroom. Why? Because every time you flush your toilet, microscopic feces and urine particles become airborn and scatter all around your bathroom. If your toothbrush is in there, it will become covered in these tiny, filthy particles. Before you flush a toilet, you should close the lid to prevent these particles from getting on your bathroom surfaces. After that, lift the lid to be sure that everything flushed. Unfortunately, you can't control if other members of your family or guests will do this on a consistent basis, so toothbrushes must be kept out of the bathroom, and the bathroom must be cleaned often.

The last subject doesn't necessarily fall under the topic of hygiene; it's an issue of tact, grace, and femininity. If you are not in the habit of wearing slips and/or girdles, you should be. Slips are an extra level of protection against humiliation in case of heavy wind, a torn seam, or other unforeseen circumstances. Girdles are important for the overweight sisters until they can get their weight under control. It helps them avoid looking sloppy in their garments. Girdles are also good for well-shaped sisters to stop the inevitable jiggling that occurs when our figures are not supported appropriately. It is not necessary to get an old school girdle, there are several nice looking lingerie-style body shapers available on the market today. Invest several pair. FYI: Body shapers do not take the place of panties. It's also a good idea to get professionally fitted for bras from time to time. As our body changes, so does our bra size.

Hopefully this blog has  inspired us to take a second look at the way in which we do things in order to perfect our hygiene. What hygiene pointers do you have to share?

As-salaam alaikum

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