Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Effects of Abstinence

As-salaam alaikum!

In Western society, we are taught that being liberated as women means that we should be sexually free. The media has taught us to become sexual toilets for any man we meet, and to believe that doing so is progress. Nothing could be further from the truth. Sexual "liberation" is actually one of the most severe forms of repression ever invented. It lowers the value of women, and destroys families and communities. All praise is due to Allah for the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, for giving us laws that saves our dignity and restore our value.

Remaining abstinent creates an environment where men must compete for access to intimate contact with women. They feel the need to improve their skills in areas such as, leadership, stability, income, and being able to fix things, in order to win the privilege of having a woman. One reason we are inundated with so many low-quality males today is because access to sex is too easy. There is no motivation to become worthy of sexual relations because it comes cheap and easy. If women started guarding their virtue tomorrow while making demands of brothers to become righteous, our men would immediately begin pulling themselves out of degeneracy in hopes of winning the reward, prize, or literally the "booty".

During courtship, chastity allows you to become familiar with the brother with a clear mind. You can see his good qualities as well as what he needs to improve on. Vision becomes blurred once sexual relations creep into the picture. Because sex is designed to form a permanent bond between a man and woman, a woman begins to overlook a man's flaws in the interest of making the relationship endure. This is why many women become stuck in unfulfilling relationships, finding it seemingly impossible to let go. Chastity, like fasting, brings clarity and strength which is vital when considering a marriage partner.

Choosing to remain celibate until you are married inspires respect in your soon-to-be-husband. There is a shift of power in a relationship once a woman allows a man to access her sexually. Before this time, a man is more motivated to impress her, romance her, marry her, and rise to her standards. This sets the tone for the marriage. Engaging in pre-marital sex reduces this motivation - especially in regards to a marriage commitment. Women are being made to think that their power lies in being sexual experts, but in actuality, there is much  more power for would-be wives in modesty and chastity. Even though few men enjoy waiting for extended periods of time to engage in sexual intimacy, all good men appreciate a woman who values her body. They are wise enough to know that if your body was easy for them to have, it was probably easy for other various brothers as well.

As-salaam alaikum!

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